Take A Look How These Historical Figures Will Look Like In The Modern World

Historical figures are there to remind us of these famous personalities’ contribution to our history. There are the greats, like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Napoleon, and many others. But as we only know them through their stories, histories, and images, have you ever been intrigued to see their faces today? What would these personalities look like had they been born today?

Thanks to technology and photoshop experts, we can get a glimpse of these famous historical figures images in the modern world. Without further ado, here are the list and pictures of these eminent personalities, to whom we should give all the credits, in our history if they are still alive today.

Jane Austen

If you are into books, you will surely know Jane Austen. The novelist has been receiving praise for her contribution to the literary world. Who does not know Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility? One way or another, she has been part of our teenage years, reading these novels either as a school activity or for our love for books.
If she is still alive until today, she may have one of the most beautiful faces on the planet, not to mention a smart girl, too. Born in the late 1700s, she was thinking incredibly straightforward, ahead of others. Every woman should give Jane the credit for fighting for women’s independence at a time that it was deemed impossible.

Cleopatra VII

In ancient history, Cleopatra was known for being the most beautiful woman on the planet. She was even often used as the image of different beauty commercials and advertisements. But aside from being the epitome of beauty, Cleopatra was actually a ruler. She was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt.
She was also the companion of Alexander the Great, another famous historical figure. In contrast to popular belief, she was not entirely from Egyptian descent. To some degree, she was of Greek origin, a part of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. In the modern world, she would surely bear a gorgeous face to whom every man could fall in love.


Napoleon Bonaparte was a famous French statesman and a military leader who was an artillery commander during the French Revolution. In the modern world, he would indeed have a handsome face. But, he seemed to be relatively short compared to the men today. He only stood 5’7”. Although that seemed to be tall for some, for an average male height of today, it was not the standard.
Anyhow, it looked no one would care about his looks and height back then. As someone who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century, he might be feared by some. Despite his stature, to some degree, the world still saw his downfall.

Botticelli’s  Venus

Venus is famously known as the painting of Sandro Botticelli. It is actually called the Birth of Venus. Allegedly, the painting depicts Simotta Vespucci, allegedly one of Botticelli’s lovers. However, in the painting’s details, the woman is said to represent the goddess of beauty, Venus, hence the name. In reality, if Venus is real and born during the modern era, she will indeed have an image of a goddess.
With fair skin and a beautiful face, she does not only like a goddess but an angel to a certain degree. Just like how Botticelli painted her innocence, the depiction of his modern image managed to keep this look.

Agrippina The Younger

Julia Agrippina, or better known as Agrippina the Younger, was a famous Roman empress. She was very powerful during her time, and of the most prominent and effective women in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. She was the younger sister of the Roman emperor Caligula, thus the name.
And in case you do not know, she is the mother of Nero. As there was no real image for the photoshop experts to use to depict Agrippina’s authentic look, her representation seemed to look pretty much the same as that of her face sculpture. To her credit, we could say she looked good, but she was said to be “ruthless and violent” in attitude.

Benjamin Franklin

American people surely know who Benjamin Franklin is. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was a polymath, receiving praise and credits due to his vast knowledge. With his wit, he seemed to be the master of everything, from being a leading writer to a printer, political philosopher, politician, Freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat – the list went on.
In the modern world, Franklin could have the famous salt-and-pepper grey hair, ala George Clooney. He, too, seemed to be a good-looking dad or grandfather with a much-respected aura that was ready to change the world anytime.

Madame Du Barry

Madame Du Barry, Comtesse du Barry, was known as the last Maîtresse-en-titre or mistress of Louis XV of France. She was of the Reign of Terror’s victims during the French Revolution. In her modern image, it could never be denied that Madame had a beautiful face. She looked lovely, a young woman who could capture any man’s heart, including the King of France.
She had an unparalleled beauty that could keep pace with any new stars of today. She also had the Hollywood glamour, making her look like an A-lister. With this look, she might have made a considerable investment in her skin and body.

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I is, reportedly, the first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. However, it depends on who you ask. She was the Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603. Also called the Virgin Queen among many other names, she was the last of the five monarchs of the House of Tudor.
In her modern image, she had the usual image of the beautiful British woman – pointed nose, white complexion, curly blond hair, almond-shaped eyes, an oval face, and thin lips. As this seemed to perfectly capture her image in real life, we could commend the fantastic technology, and the experts did to turn her picture into a modern one. Well, of course, it would never be possible without electricity.


If you think Pocahontas is only a fictional character from the Disney film with the same name, nope, you are wrong. She was a Native American woman who was associated with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. She was the daughter of Powhatan, the chief of a network of tributary tribes in the Tsenacommacah.
Her real name was Amonute. The name Pocahontas was just given to her by distinction because of her playful attitude. In her modern look, she looked every degree a strong and brave woman. The artist perfectly captured her heart in this current representation of a young hero back in the day.

Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria is the great-great-grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II. She was the Queen of the United Kingdom and Ireland from 1837 to 1901. She did not just lead the U.K., but other countries too when she was named the Empress of India in 1876.
She reigned the Victorian era for about 63 years and seven months, a credit longer than her predecessors. In her modern image, we could safely say that she was one of the most beautiful women on this list. She did not only look elegant but glamorous, too – an exact image of a real queen and en empress.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is the 16th US President—no, he is not a vampire hunter like what the movie and novel depict. He was a smart statesman and a lawyer who served the nation in the 1860s. He was the one who led the country through its “greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis in the American Civil War.”
If he were still alive today, he would look every inch of a statesman. His stand speaks of confidence, someone you will always respect. He, too, seems to be a Hollywood A-lister, who can go head-to-head against the likes of Paul Hogan and Chuck Norris.

Duchess of Devonshire

Georgina Cavendish was the Duchess of Devonshire, married to the 5th Duke of Devonshire, William Cavendish, in the late 1700s. But aside from her captivating beauty, she was also a political organizer, author, and activist. Of course, it was quite expected she was a socialite and a style icon of her time.
There were reports that Georgina had “mild ties” to the late Princess Diana. But unlike the People’s Princess, she was famous for her activism and write-ups. If she was born today, she had an unparalleled beauty that belonged to the Hollywood glamour. However, to some degree, she had a life full of tragedies, just like Princess D.

Catherine of Aragon

Catherine of Aragon seemed to have a complicated love story, not to mention a lot of hardships. She was the Queen of England from 1509 to 1533 as the first wife of King Henry III. However, she was previously the Princess of Wales as the wife of Henry’s elder brother, Arthur. We just did not know if divorce lawyers were already a thing at the time.
Anyhow, before we delve into their complicated story, let us see Catherine’s stunning image if she were in this modern world. She looked every inch of a glamorous artist, ready to conquer the world with her captivating beauty.


Caligula was the third Roman emperor, the son of the Roman general Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder, Augustus’s granddaughter. His bust alone looked like a villain, and it seemed to be true as a lot of people back then hated him so much that they even planned for his death.
This aura was even captured in his modern image. By a certain degree, he looked like a prince, but a prince like King Joffrey from the fictional hit TV series Game of Thrones, played by Jack Gleeson. Anyhow, it could never be denied that he was indeed handsome, but, as they said, never be deceived by someone’s looks.

Empress Elisabeth Of Austria

Aside from being an empress of Austria, Elisabeth was also the Queen of Hungary when he married Emperor Franz Joseph I. She had an unconventional upbringing before she tied the knot with an emperor at a tender age of 16.She was known for her incredible love for the arts. She joined several artistic pursuits, and she was quite good at it. If she were given a chance, she might get a degree in arts for she was good at ballet, literature, music, and even architecture. Elisabeth was indeed a beauty and brain. She looked like a goddess in her modern image – an angel born in the early 1800s.

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar is a historical figure who needs no introduction. Anyhow, for a refresher, he was a former Roman consul who had a critical role in the events that resulted in the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. He was also part of a political alliance that dominated Roman politics.
In his modern image, he looked like someone who would do business, a man who runs a company, not a man who would change the world. Although he seemed to have softer features, we all know looks could deceive. To a certain degree, we all know that his power was in his mind.

King Henry VIII

King Henry VIII was the former King of England from 1509 to 1547. Aside from being the monarch, he was also famously known for having six marriages. He was also famous for exerting great efforts to have his first marriage annulled. We wonder if he needed an attorney at the time.
Although he seemed like a lover boy, he was someone that nobody should mess up with. Well, that was if we would follow history. He was known for consolidating his power to make sure that nobody would get on his way. This could even be seen in his modern image, carrying that stern look that no one should ever disturb when not needed.

Queen Nefertiti

Queen Nefertiti is maybe one of the most beautiful historical figures. She is a Great Royal Wife of Akhenaten, who was an Egyptian Pharaoh, and was known not just for her beauty but for starting a religious revolution, alongside her husband.
Just like other historical figures from the BC era, the artist had no real image of her to use. It was only her bust and face statue where they could try to get her appearance. However, they managed to perfectly capture her appearance, looking like a real queen from the early days. She had the beauty of Naomi Campbell and Angelina Jolie, which means she could get the credit for being a model or an actress today.

King Tut

King Tut, or also known as Tutankhamun ( pronounced as Tutankhamen), is an ancient Egyptian pharaoh. He was the last member of his royal family that ruled during the end of the 18th dynasty. At the time, it was already the New Kingdom of Egyptian history.
However, King Tut was said to be a young king during his reign, so the photoshop experts needed to consider this factor. But they would never be called experts for nothing, as they perfectly managed to capture his image, and we should give them credits for that. By its looks, King Tut appeared a very handsome young teenager ready to win young girls’ hearts.

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was the king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. Hence, he was also called Alexander III of Macedon. He was born in Pella in 356 BC, a member of the Argead dynasty. At an early age of 20, he already succeeded his father, Philip II, to the throne.
In his modern image, Alexander looked like a young boy from the 1980s to a certain degree. He had curly and unmanageable hair and an innocent look. He, too, had unmatching eye color, although we really could not say if it were accurate as the artists only based the image to a bust.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan was a Chinese Emperor. He was officially known as Genghis Emperor, the founder and first Great Khan and Emperor of the Mongol Empire. After he died in 1227, he received the credits for creating the most significant “contiguous” empire in history.
In his image, some said he looked like the current President of China Xi Jinping, might be because of their similar eyes, cheeks, and color. If Genghis were still alive today, he would look every inch of a leader. Although the picture seemed not entirely similar to the given image, the artists still did an excellent job there.

Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette was the last queen that served the country of France before the French Revolution in 1789. She was born as the archduchess of Austria and the second to the youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Francis I. From her looks; she was every inch of a queen – sophisticated, classy, and beautiful.
In her modern image, to some degree, she has a beauty similar to the celebrities of today. She also looks like a millennial with her curly and bouncy blonde hair. If she is only alive today, she can probably join Hollywood and be an A-lister in an instant.

Simón Bolivar

Simón Bolivar actually has a relatively long name — Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte-Andrade y Blanco. If it is quite tiring for you to say, he is colloquially known as El Libertador or the Liberator due to his move to lead the countries of Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama to independence from the Spanish Empire.
Making Simón’s image quite modern, he has the looks of an average guy. Anyhow, the image is so close you can even say that it is the real him. Credits to modern technology, we can see that the face of this military and political leader.

King Richard III

King Richard III was the King of England and Lord of Ireland. Hence, he was also called Richard III of England. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. Although the artists gave him an innocent look, a naïve one, we must say, you should never be deceived by it.
He was the rugged and harsh ruler during his prime. His modern image screamed British with his pointy nose, white complexion, and chestnut brown hair. He either looks like someone ready to make an investment here or a politician.

Prince Albert

Prince Albert was a Prince Consort as the husband of Queen Victoria. He was born in a family that had a lot of connections to Europe’s ruling monarchs. At the time Albert married Victoria, he was only 20 years old. They were blessed with nine kids.
His modern looks appear to be classy because of his mustache and clean-cut hair. He looks every inch of a handsome guy, who can be in line with the likes of David Tennant. If he is alive today and ever plans to join the entertainment world, he will probably be one of the most sought-after actors with the degree of his good looks.

King Louis XV

King Louis XV was the King of France. He was also known as Louis the Beloved, who succeeded his great-grandfather, Louis XIV, at the tender age of five. As he could not rule the kingdom at that age yet, it was led by Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, as the Regent of France until he reached the ripe age of 13.
In his present-time image, Louis looked calm, innocent, and composed. But just like other rulers, you should never let his looks deceive you. He had a relatively low score from the historian during his reign. There were a lot of wars at the time and even a “total depletion of the treasury.” To a certain degree, these things led the beginning of the French Revolution.

Eleanor Of Toledo

Eleanor of Toledo, or Doña Leonor Álvarez de Toledo y Osorio, was known for being a noblewoman. She was the Duchess of Florence, the first wife and political adviser of Cosimo I de’ Medici, the Grand Duke of Tuscany in Italy. They had 11 kids.
In her painting, Eleanor looked like a conservative woman who only intended to help everyone because of her hairstyle. But in her modern image, she looked like a modern woman with her bouncy-perfect hair like that of Kate Middleton. She still looked like a royal, though, because of her royal aura. This only proved that your hair could drastically change your looks to a certain degree.

Anne Boleyn

Another queen of England on the list is Anne Boleyn. She was the second wife of King Henry VIII. What happened to Anne during her husband’s reign was etched in history. It even made her a key figure in the political and religious upheaval that marked the beginning of the English Reformation.
In her painting, she looked like someone who could do anything she wanted – well, literally and figuratively. However, she had a sad story behind that beautiful face. In her modern image, she looked every inch like a Hollywood star who could have movie credits, doing film after film.

Mary, Queen of Scot

Mary, Queen of Scot, reigned over Scotland for 25 years, so the name. She was the only surviving child of King James V of Scotland. If King Louis XV ascended the throne at the age of five, she ascended the throne at the age of six days old after her father died. Her reign was no easy task for Mary. Aside from being young, it involved unfortunate things to some degree.
In her painting, you can see that she has the classic European queen look – curly hair secured in a bun. In her modern look, she looked like a contemporary queen with her bouncy mane freely flowing and bouncing.

Anne of Cleves

Anne of Cleves was the fourth wife of King Henry VIII, making her the Queen Consort of England. Not too many details were known about Anne before she got betrothed to the Duke of Bar Francis, although their marriage never pushed through. She was an often subject of many biographies that gave her credit for being a historical figure in the literature concerning her husband’s reign.
Talking about her looks, she already looked attractive in the painting but more beautiful in her modern image. It seems like the artists behind these images are fond of curly, bouncy hairstyles that perfectly suit all the beautiful women on this list.

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