Understanding Costs & Deductibles Of Your Health Insurance

The primary reason why you get health protections is to save money should the time come you’ll need it. So it’s important to understand how your health care insurance works, its costs and deductibles, so you can save some more in the end.

We’ll break it down on simple terms how your health protection works as it may be different from your home or car one. The costs and deductibles can be a bit complicated but learning and getting yourself acquainted with each cost and deductibles should maximize your health coverage – and you want this to happen. So let’s discuss what deductible is and it’s different types.

What Is A Deductible?

There’s a certain amount of risk that you need to pay upfront before receiving the benefits of your health insurance. This is what you call a deductible. It is the amount of money you agree to pay before your policy begins to kick in. In a way, the deductible is the amount of risk you’re willing to shoulder in exchange for the benefits of your policy or the claim to pay for your medical expenses. The higher you assume the risk, the lower your premium payments become. Some terms used interchangeably are medical deductible and health plan deductible.

3 Different Types Of Deductibles

Now that we’ve covered what a deductible means, let’s now break down its different types. There are three kinds of deductibles on health insurance. Learn what each one means so you know how deductible can affect your medical coverage.

1.Comprehensive deductible
Perhaps the simplest form of a deductible is comprehensive. This is an amount applied to all your coverages then it is added up to meet the agreed deductible. That means there will be a uniform amount of deductible to all your coverages.

2.Non-comprehensive deductible
The non-comprehensive deductible is another common type of deductible, which is only applied to specific coverages or certain medical expenses in a health insurance policy. For instance, certain medical expenses may require a deductible while others won’t. It is important to take note that not all insurance services have the same coverages. That means it could also have different deductibles. Some medical expenses may have a lower deductible or none at all.

3.Cumulative deductible
If you have a family health coverage plan then you might want to learn more about how cumulative deductible works. In this setup, deductibles can be individual or family maximum. For instance, the deductible can be focused on the cumulative amount each individual pays for. One benefit of a family maximum deductible is that it doesn’t require each member to meet the deductible on their own. The individual deductible meanwhile, focuses on the amount each individual in the plan has paid towards a deductible.

What Are Your Out-of-Pocket Costs?

Some medical procedures may not require deductibles but may have a certain limit so you’ll have to be careful and read through your insurance policy carefully. For example, an eye exam may not require a deductible but will set $100 as its coverage limit. That means any purchase or examination beyond $100, you’ll have to pay for yourself.

Now the next question is, who gets to decide the deductibles? The answer would be you. You get to choose the deductible when you purchase the plan. That’s why it’s important to learn the different options that you have. You may even ask for quotes with different deductibles to see where you can save the most. This puts you in a better perspective on where your money goes, ultimately giving you more control. It all goes down to the different medical services you may need and your health situation.

While paying for a higher deductible can lower your premium payments, it is important to note that you are able to meet this cost should an emergency arise. You have to be able to look at your long term capacity to pay. Ultimately, it comes down to whether you are able to pay for the deductible should you need your insurance tomorrow. Remember, the purpose is for you to get the care that you need when the need arises.

Photo Credits:
Elly Fairytale/ Pexels
Alexander Mils/ Pexels
Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels
