Learn The Symptoms Of 8 Serious Medical Conditions

When does a headache become something to be concerned about? We often take for granted the occasional headache or cough but this could be a symptom of an underlying problem especially if it occurs regularly. Other times, the manifestation of symptoms could be an indication of an issue in another part of the body. Symptoms can be warning signs of a serious medical condition so it is always best to pay your doctor a regular visit. Make sure your health insurance covers these regular visits so it wouldn’t be that expensive. While these symptoms could be minor, it is always best to note it down and share them with your doctor.

So we’ve rounded up the common symptoms of 12 serious medical conditions so you can be alerted when you feel something serious.

1.Heart Attack

Films often show a very different scenario of someone suffering from a heart attack. In fact, it isn’t that dramatic in real life. Some symptoms show up a month or so and often, we credit another medical condition for these. During a heart attack, you may feel pain or pressure in the middle of the chest. This feeling could last more than a few minutes, goes away then returns. There’s also pain or discomfort in other areas of the upper body including the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach. There’s also general shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness.


Unlike a heart attack, a stroke can happen very suddenly. The symptoms are also very different from a heart attack. The American Stroke Association recommends memorizing the acronym FAST to spot a stroke and call an emergency. FAST stands for: face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty, and time to call emergency. Along with these, there’s also unbalance, sudden numbness or weakness, loss of vision, confusion, and severe headache to some degree.

3.Reproductive Health Problems

Another serious medical condition lies in the reproductive system. You may have issues with your reproductive system if you have bleeding or spotting between periods, itching, burning around the genital area, pain or discomfort during intercourse, heavy or painful menstrual bleeding, severe pelvic or abdominal pain. A cause for concern also includes unusual discharge, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, and frequent urination or urinary urgency. We recommend making an investment in a good period tracker to closely monitor your period.

4.Breast Problems

According to studies, one in eight women is at risk of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. Do note that not all breast issues are cancers. However, any symptom requires immediate examination. Symptoms of breast problems may include nipple discharge, unusual breast tenderness or pain, or skin changes around the breasts. A lump or thickening near the breast or in the underarm area can also be a sign of concern. Breast cancer is usually diagnosed through special exams like mammograms and biopsy. Double-check your insurance company that they cover these special exams when you apply for one.

5.Lung Disease

There are serious medical conditions affecting the lungs so these should be addressed properly. Some of these conditions include lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, asthma, and many more. You may be suffering from a serious condition if you suddenly cough up blood, experience shortness of breath, or have difficulty breathing. To some degree, chronic cough or repeated bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia with wheezing are also symptoms of concern. Pay your doctor a visit when you experience any of the mentioned symptoms.

6.Stomach or Digestive Disease

Serious digestive problems can be fatal. Other times, they can be frustrating and embarrassing. However, these symptoms are not to be taken lightly as it can escalate to life-threatening conditions easily. Go see a healthcare professional right away if you experience any rectal bleeding, bloody or black stools, changes in bowel habits like not being able to control them. As simple as constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or acid reflux can also be an underlying issue. Vomiting blood requires a trip to an emergency room.

7.Bladder Diseases

Similar to digestive disorders, symptoms of a bladder problem can also be embarrassing. However, you’ll need to see a doctor right away if you have any difficulty or frequent urination, loss of bladder control, and blood in the urine. While it seemed normal but waking up frequently at night to urinate or wetting the bed at night is also a symptom of another serious problem. These symptoms can be a sign of a serious problem with your kidneys, too. You don’t need a degree in medicine to figure out there’s something serious going on with your body. Make sure to stay in tune with how you’re feeling.

8.Skin Diseases

Any skin disease is embarrassing and frustrating to some degree, too. However, sometimes a simple rash could develop into something serious if not treated appropriately. If you have any of these symptoms, make sure to have them checked with your doctor. These symptoms include changes in skin mole size, shape, or color if you’re always flushed and red in the face and neck, discoloration of the skin like jaundice, skin bumps, or lesions that don’t go away or heal. If you also find new growths or moles on the skin, and thick, red skin with silvery patches, it’s a sign to pay your doctor a visit.

Photo Credits:
Hush Naidoo on Unsplash
Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
